Language Tip

Liste, listen to or hear?

Use hear when you want to say tha sounds, music, etc. come to you ears. you can hear something without wanting to.

use listen to say that you pay attention to sounds or try to hear something.

use listen to when you want to say what it is that you are trying to hear.

Me or I

Me is used after "than", "as", or "be". It would sound very formal to use I. Sometimes me is used with another noun as the subject of a sentence, especially in informal English.
Jane and me wernt to the cinema. (informal).
Jane and I went to the cinema yesterday. (formal).

Travel, journey, or trip?

The noun travel is a general word which mean the activity of traveling. Air travel has become much cheaper. Use journey to talk about when you travel from one place to another.
A trip is a journey in which you visit a place for a short time to come back again.

Remind or remenber?

Ifb you remember a fact or something from the past, you keep it in mind.
I can't remember the name of the film.
When you remind someone to do something, you make them remember it. Can you remind me to phone Anna tomorrow?

Fish or fishes?

Fish is the usual plural of fish. I caught six fish in the river.
Fishes is sometimes used to talk about different types of fish.


You do no say "the" when you use all+ period time. All day, morning, week, year, summer.

Work or job?

Work is something you do to earn money. Remember that this noun is uncountable. She enjoys her work in the hospital.
Job is used to talk about the particular work activity which you do. Teaching must be an interesting job.

Tired of or tired from?

If you are tired something or of doing something, you are bored or annoyed by it. I'm tired of hearing his awful jokes. if you are tired from something, you want to rest because of it. I'm tired from the long journey.

viernes, 3 de junio de 2011

The Flatmates episode 14, from BBC Learning English

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